TC Ukraine & TC Kiev

Every year in Ukraine over 120,000 people die of drug abuse and its effects. Teen Challenge Ukraine is an organization that is ready to bring effective change to the lives of the addicted and impoverished around us.

We believe that the salvation offered by Jesus Christ is the main avenue to create true and lasting changes in a person’s life.  Teaching students about Christ and leading them to salvation is essential to the work of Teen Challenge. We want to not only help free the addicted from lives chained to abuse, we want to make them disciples of Jesus Christ.

Our purpose is to help people with life controlling problems in Ukraine and teach them how to live lives free of addiction, in communion with Jesus Christ. 

Our approach is to teach a new way of living by addressing family relationships, work attitudes, self-image, self esteem, peer pressure, addictions, social issues, community relationships, as well as other life skills. 

Staff of Teen Challenge Ukraine